Our Vision
To be a community gathered together by Christ to proclaim the Gospel. To bring about ‘The Kingdom of God’ through the celebration of the sacraments and by our words and actions both in St Chad’s Parish and in South Norwood.
New to the Parish?
If you are new to the parish, welcome! Please introduce yourself to Fr. Ambrose. Please also ask for a Registration Form so that your name can be put on the parish register. You need to be registered to receive a reference. Please consider joining in Parish activities. Details of local Catholic schools are available here.
Fr. Ambrose Ohene C.S.Sp.
Achieving Our Parish Vision
We will achieve the Parish Vision by:
Trusting in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Worshipping as individuals and as a community.
Helping each other in the understanding of our faith and through difficult times.
Celebrating our liturgy in an attractive and inspirational way that people of all ages, cultures and abilities can understand and enjoy.
Welcoming people individually and as a community so that they know that their presence makes a difference not only to themselves and to God but also to the community amongst whom they stand.
Working towards Justice and Peace in our Community and the World around us.
Respecting each person as our equal.
Celebrating the achievements and potential of our young people.
Supporting our young people as they develop their understanding and faith in the word of Jesus Christ.
Learning not only from our own Catholic community but also from the wider Christian community as we work towards Christian Unity.
Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ through what we do and say and by living the ‘Word’.
Supporting the work of the church/community through our own contributions and fund raising.
Enjoying both in prayer and socially the life of our community through our wholehearted participation.
Helping those less well off than ourselves financially and spiritually.